Software Tools & Techniques Lab (UCSD CSE15L F23)

Joe Gibbs Politz - -

This is the page for the fall 2023 edition of the course.

Material and Schedule

Office Hours Calendar

Direct Link to Office Hours Calendar

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m also taking some other course whose final exam time overlaps with CSE15L. What should I do?

We will have scheduled oral exams in CSE15L with appointment slots. If you don’t have the time of the final exam free due to a conflict, you just need to be flexible in scheduling your exam some time during finals week.

Q: Will the course have remote options?

No. Plan to attend all lecture and lab sessions in person. Participation policies will take into account that not all students can make it all the time, but we will not have remote equivalents for completing lab and lecture.

Q: Is participation required?

Yes. A final policy will be posted by the start of the quarter with details, but you should plan to attend both lecture and your assigned lab section every week.

Q: I want to switch lab sections.

You are welcome to drop and re-add any section within the constraints of the web registration system. The labs are fully enrolled (which means the rooms are quite full), and we can’t offer moving between sections outside of official enrollment.

Q: I have a question about enrollment or the waitlist.

Check the web registration across all the sections; the course has many separate lab sections, and their enrollments and waitlists are independent and fluctuate. Contact CSE Advising for more information on enrollment and waitlist processes.

Q: How should I prepare for the course?

Review Java (for example, CSE11). Check out some related resources like MIT missing semester. Get enough sleep and set up your schedule so you can make the class and lab times. Bookmark this web site!